
Friday, February 27, 2009

Oh My Goodness! This man's music is AMAZING!

I just have to share...I stumbled upon Stephen Hinkle's music today, and can't put into words how much I love it!

My favorite is "May I Have This Dance."

Click below to sample his'll be so happy that you did!

He used to work with Precept Ministries, and I found him through Kay on Facebook. 

Amazing...expect to be blown away!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Teaching Teens How To Study The Bible

I just have to share today...I'm so excited!

Veracity Group and Precept Ministries have teamed together and now have inductive Bible studies geared for Jr. High and High School aged kids!!!!!!!


These are ideal for Homeschoolers who are looking for a homeschool Bible curriculum! They are also perfectly geared for use in Christian schools, and I'm hoping to use them to lead the youth in our church on Wednesday nights.

Last summer, at our Precept retreat, there was a teacher from a private Christian school who had been piloting these studies with her students. She brought several of the girls to the retreat, and they were such an encouragement to the women in attendance, as we witnessed first hand their understanding of God's Word.

These girls had learned to study the Bible inductively, and for their final exam, they had to fill out a blank "At a Glance" chart. 

Basically, an "At a Glance" is a blank chart which the student fills in with appropriate chapter titles, after having studied a book of the Bible and chosen a title for each chapter.

So imagine...these girls knew the book of the Bible that they had studied so well, that they were able to fill in chapter themes for the entire book, by memory!

Isn't that amazing?!

Oh, did I tell you that these girls were YOUNG? The average age was about 14!

Are you encouraged that YOU too can learn to study for yourself?!

You just have to go and check out Veracity Group's web site! 

I hope you're inspired, and if you're a youth Bible study leader, I hope you'll order some studies and ground those kids in the truth of God's Word.

Have a great day!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Precept and Men - An Interview with David Arthur of Precept Ministries

David Arthur, son of Kay and Jack Arthur was interviewed recently by the Chattanooga Times Free Press. Much of the focus of the article is on his heart for seeing men get into the Word of God for themselves.

This is my favorite quote... "I know the Bible is for men, I know it’s for teenagers. ... One of my callings is to men. If we’re going to lead, we’ve got to have the truth, and if we’re going to delegate that to our wives, we’re going to continue to see the trouble we’ve got. That’s one of my passions — to get men into the word themselves."

Amen and amen...women are starving for our husbands to fall in love with God's Word, and to order our home lives according to what they learn from their time spent with Him.

For the past 5 years I've been leading women in inductive Bible study, and I've lost count of the number of them who have said that they just want their husbands to be the spiritual leaders in their homes...they are begging for it!

I tell my husband that he's irresistible when he's spent time with the Lord on his own. There is simply nothing more attractive to me. :)  (I love you, sweetheart!)

OK...back to David's will only take you a few minutes to read.

Click here to see it.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Tuscon Planned Parenthood & Abortion

I encourage you to take a few minutes and watch this undercover investigation of a Tuscon, AZ "Planned Parenthood" (hereafter called PP, because the name they use is so deceptive) employee's counselling session with an under aged pregnant teen, whose boyfriend was supposed to be a 27 year old.

In AZ, it's a felony for an adult to have sex with a minor. A crime which requires reporting to the local authorities!!!

Yet, in this video, the employee works to hide this crime...not expose it, as the law requires.

Just think...your tax dollars are helping to fund crime! 

Would you want your teenage daughter to be instructed in how to obtain an abortion, with court approval, without your knowledge of it? 

Would you want to punish a 27 year old man if he had sex with your 15 year old?!!!!!!! 
Where is the outrage in this?!!!!

Where are those who love this young woman? Does PP not think it important for a young woman to have the support of those who care the most about her, when sorting through such a monumental "choice"?

Go to to see more videos exposing "PP". This is not an isolated incident.

This makes my heart sick!

Thursday, February 05, 2009

John Piper to President Obama

This is an awesome message from Pastor Piper to President Obama, regarding the sanctity of life. 

I hope you'll click the link and watch the's only 3 minutes long.

He's so loving father would truly ever wish for their daughter to have the right to abortion on demand. 

Who wants that for their children?

Here's the YouTube link...